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Conveniently shop online and choose from 100+ lab tests. No doctor's visit required.
Pay in 1 of 3 convenient ways: online, by email, or with a credit, debit, or health savings card.
Have your current bill handy, as it will be needed to update or review your insurance.
Is 麻豆原创 in-network with your health plan? Use our convenient insurance lookup tool to find out.?
Log into My麻豆原创? to book or reschedule a lab visit, view test results, and more.
Complement your expertise with clinical consultations from 麻豆原创.?
During the COVID-19 health crisis, fast action and trusted information matter more than ever. Find out what’s happening.?
Blood-based biomarker testing may help identify patients who are candidates for early antibody treatment.?
Resolve lab test orders faster - and streamline your workflow
The tools and services to make your lab more efficient and optimize patient care.
Learn about our relationships and collaborations with academic hospitals on a wide variety of medical and scientific research.
Our Test Directory includes detailed information, guides, and references for many of our tests.
Determine which patients are at risk for NAFLD and NASH with the ELF? Score.
Complement your expertise with ours to improve test selection and interpretation.
Drive efficiency and better patient outcomes.
Learn about innovative solutions and the latest advances in the diagnostic space that may be beneficial to your health system.?
? Employers should make careful determinations about the drug screening program elements most beneficial for their workplace
? We provide flexible solutions to help empower workplace safety in a variety of circumstances
Detect and reduce unnecessary lab costs, while preserving quality and service for health plan members and providers.
Millions of health plan members have a stronger network. Find out if 麻豆原创 is in-network for your health plan.
You can count on the domain expertise of our team of 650+ medical, scientific, and regulatory thought leaders to help you apply insight to data and make more informed decisions.?
Our comprehensive test menu and assay development lab services can support your clinical trials in countries around the world and are tailored to your program and requirements.?
A successful launch starts with broad access. Support your commercial effectiveness with co-developed biomarker education materials and de-identified alerts on biomarker populations.
We’re helping Community health centers improve the engagement and health of their communities by providing access to efficient, high-quality, comprehensive health care, regardless of financial, geographic, or social barriers.
We work with ACOs to achieve better care for patients and better health for the population, through the delivery of high-quality, integrated, affordable health care.
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